18th Judicial Conference Panelists' Papers RESPONDING TO AGENCY REQUESTS FOR FACTUAL INFORMATION: RESPONSIBILITIES, BURDENS & CONSEQUENCES Panel 1 - Reference Material Frances Hadfield - Responding to Customs and Border Protection's Requests for Factual Information: Responsibilities, Burdens & Consequences REPRESENTATION IN CUSTOMS PENALTY ACTIONS AFTER TREK LEATHER: FIFTY SHADES OF GRAY IN CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Cynthia Godsoe - Presentation Joshua Kurland - Veil-Piercing in Customs Enforcement Proceedings: The Role of Federal Common Law CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE: AGENCIES' RELATIONSHIPS WITH EACH OTHER AND THE COURT Shara Aranoff - Interactions Between the USITC, Other Trade Agencies, and the Courts: Examples from AD/CVD and Section 337 Investigations Deborah King - Where Three Is Not A Crowd: What Outside Parties Can Do To Enhance Cooperation Between Enforcement and Compliance and Customs and Border Protection STREAMLINING LITIGATION IN CUSTOMS CASES: OPPORTUNITIES AND OBSTACLES William Sjoberg - Ten Years of Mediation at the U.S. Court of International Trade: Perspectives of a Private Practitioner Russell Semmel - No Reservations: A Proposal to Streamline Reserve Calendar Practice in the U.S. Court of International Trade Beverly Farrell - Streamlining Discovery: Does The Nature Of The Practice Before The U.S. Court Of International Trade Provide Suggestions For How To Accomplish It? AVOIDING THE BREAD LINE: TRADE REMEDIES FIXES WITHIN SHARED RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS Michele Lynch - Remands are a Consequence of Administrative Law So Why Are We All So Frustrated? Daniel Porter - Congratulations, You Have Now Been Chosen: Evolving Practice and Emerging Issues for Mandatory Respondent Selection in Antidumping Cases Kathleen Cannon - Salvaging Court, Agency and Private Litigant Resources When Faced with Non-Cooperative Parties Please send questions or comments about this website to: webmaster@cit.uscourts.gov